Fake Henna NIGHTMARE - Ten Minute Power Hour
In a way... a fake henna kit for children is just tie dye for the skin. Ryan would know.
DISCLAIMER: In case you couldn't tell, this isn't real Henna. We are NOT WEARING REAL HENNA. This is a toy box of markers and vaguely sticky brown and copper colored paste that is NOT HENNA. Also, don't use black henna, it's dangerous. Black henna isn't temporary. Don't accidentally tattoo yourself permanently for the bit, even if it's a good bit
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Dir/shot/Edited by Tucker ► http://www.tuckerprescott.com
► http://www.instagram.com/tucker.prescott
Produced by Boruff ► https://www.instagram.com/kris_boruff/
Assistant Produced by Allie ► https://twitter.com/lilyloo
Music from Stevia Sphere ► http://www.steviasphere.bandcamp.com
Mystery Sax Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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